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Student Reports

At Exford, we have a formal reporting to parents process, including written reports and formal interviews, however, we are more than happy to chat with parents informally or by arrangement throughout the year. We work closely in partnership with our families to provide a strong and supportive network for each child, and open and two-way communication between parents and staff is a critical element of this.

Interviews: We hold two formal reporting to parent interviews per year. The first PST is held early in Term 1, and the second is at the end of Term 3.

Reports: We prepare two formal written reports for parents: the first is presented to parents at the end of Term 2, and the second at the end of Term 4. Reports are also uploaded to XUNO.

School Helpers

Parents are very welcome to be involved in the school in a variety of ways. Our philosophy is that together, parents and staff, we form a strong and supportive framework surrounding the children and together we can help them to achieve their best.

We do require that all Parent Helpers provide us with a copy of their Working With Children’s Check.

Some ways in which parents help:

  • Classroom Helpers – hearing reading, working with small groups of children within the classroom
  • Fundraising group
  • Helping in the Library
  • Special activity days
  • Sports Days
  • Parades

If you would like to be more involved in our school, please come and have a chat!

School Council

A School Council consists of the Principal, parents and staff working and planning together for the benefit of all children. School Council is the governing body of the school. In February-March of each year, nominations are called for and elections for parent and for staff representatives are held. At the Annual General Meeting, School Councillors are elected to office bearer positions, such as the SC President, the SC Vice-President, and Minute Secretary.

School Council is responsible for:

  • Formulating school policy and ensuring that the school charter goals and priorities are implemented
  • Providing the best possible conditions in which children learn
  • The maintenance of school buildings and grounds to achieve the best learning environment
  • Overseeing the financial operations of the school
  • Overseeing policy and budget development
  • Developing closer relationships between the school and the community
  • Ensuring that all groups within our school community are represented

Our School Council meets on the second Wednesday of each month (unless by prior arrangement). You are welcome to attend as a Visitor (by prior arrangement with the Principal).


Exford Primary School has had great success through the Fundraising Group:

  • Fundraising events throughout the year including our Easter Raffle and the Christmas Raffle.
  • Organises services for our families, such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Stalls. Meetings are advertised through our newsletter and noticeboards and all parents, guardians and grandparents are welcome to attend and assist.

If you are unable to attend a meeting, please contact the office and the Fundraising Committee can contact you as to what transpired and perhaps where they need additional assistance.